保罗说:“我晓得怎样处卑贱。” 保罗对事奉的观念是这样:“我为你们耗尽了最后一分力量,你尽管称赞我,或是指责我,一点也没有关系。”只要有一个人尚未认识耶稣基督,保罗就是欠他的债,要服侍他直到认识主。保罗事奉的根源不是对人的爱,乃是对主的爱。我们若献身人类的幸福努力,很快就会心碎而倒退,因为人忘恩负义,比狗更加厉害。但若我们的动机是出于对神的爱,那么怎样冷酷无情也不能阻拦我们服侍人。
February 23: The Determination To Serve
“The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” Matthew 20:28
Paul’s idea of service is the same as Our Lord’s: “I am among you as He that serveth;” “ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.” We have the idea that a man called to the ministry is called to be a different kind of being from other men. According to Jesus Christ, he is called to be the “door-mat” of other men; their spiritual leader, but never their superior. “I know how to be abased,” says Paul. This is Paul’s idea of service – “I will spend myself to the last ebb for you; you may give me praise or give me blame, it will make no difference.” So long as there is a human being who does not know Jesus Christ, I am his debtor to serve him until he does. The mainspring of Paul’s service is not love for men, but love for Jesus Christ. If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving our fellow men.
Paul’s realization of how Jesus Christ had dealt with him is the secret of his determination to serve others. “I was before a perjurer, a blasphemer, an injurious person” – no matter how men may treat me, they will never treat me with the spite and hatred with which I treated Jesus Christ. When we realize that Jesus Christ has served us to the end of our meanness, our selfishness, and sin, nothing that we meet with from others can exhaust our determination to serve men for His sake.