“现在我们信。”耶稣说:“你们信吗?时候将到……你们要分散……留下我独自一人。” 许多基督的工人留下主独自一人,凭自己的责任感去作工,或凭自己的判断觉得需要而做;这是因为缺少复活主的生命,与神失去了亲密的关系,只倚仗自己对信仰的理解(箴三5-6)。这个不涉及罪恶,也与刑罚无关;只是当发现这事成为我们认识基督的障碍,带来何等的困惑、愁苦、难处,就必然蒙羞抱愧,痛悔地回转。
February 28: Do Ye Now Believe?
“By this we believe . . . Jesus answered, Do ye now believe?” John 16:30-31
Now we believe. Jesus says – Do you? The time is coming when you will leave Me alone. Many a Christian worker has left Jesus Christ alone and gone into work from a sense of duty, or from a sense of need arising out of his own particular discernment. The reason for this is the absence of the resurrection life of Jesus. The soul has got out of intimate contact with God by leaning to its own religious understanding. There is no sin in it, and no punishment attached to it; but when the soul realizes how he has hindered his understanding of Jesus Christ, and produced for himself perplexities and sorrows and difficulties, it is with shame and contrition he has to come back.
We need to rely on the resurrection life of Jesus much deeper down than we do, to get into the habit of steadily referring everything back to Him; instead of this we make our common-sense decisions and ask God to bless them. He cannot, it is not in His domain, it is severed from reality. If we do a thing from a sense of duty, we are putting up a standard in competition with Jesus Christ. We become a “superior person,” and say – “Now in this matter I must do this and that.” We have put our sense of duty on the throne instead of the resurrection life of Jesus. We are not told to walk in the light of conscience or of a sense of duty, but to walk in the light as God is in the light. When we do anything from a sense of duty, we can back it up by argument; when we do anything in obedience to the Lord, there is no argument possible; that is why a saint can be easily ridiculed.